The Community Healthcare Innovation Symposium (8 November 2019)

We have a wonderful line-up of speakers and case study presenters from Singapore Institute of Technology; LEAN Global Network; Institute for Adult Learning; Singapore Civil Defense Force; Direct Funeral Services as well as Community Care Providers such as Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital, Salvation Army Peacehaven and Alzheimer’s Disease Association. The symposium strives to create an environment where the Community Care Leaders, Innovation Activists and Process Experts can share ideas and contribute to the National Effort to raise productivity, drive organization’s growth and build organizational capabilities using innovation and technology.

The 1-day Symposium will cover 2 Key Themes (Delivering Services with Technology & Innovation AND Enhancing Experience through Service Innovations) for Lectures and Panel Discussions in the morning and followed by the Smart Ward Exhibition and Masterclasses for the rest of the day. This year we have a strong focus on digital transformation, technology, automation and service innovations. We have highly interactive and engaging Masterclasses on everything you want to know about Innovation, Creativity, Change Management and Communication provided by the experienced practitioners from the LEAN Global Network, Health Communication Matters, Institute for Adult Learning and Facilitators Network Singapore.

The Symposium fees are $128.40 (inclusive of 7% GST) per pax. Eligible Community Care Organisations can receive up to 90% Course Fee subsidy from Agency for Integrated Care (AIC). Drop us a direct message at or call us at 64221300 if you wish to know more.

You may register for the symposium using the  Registration Link

We hope to see you there!

Main highlights include the following areas:

Theme 1: Delivering Service with Technology and Automation (8.30am-10.30am)

Key speakers and panelists will share their insights and experience on implementing Technology and Automation to manage and lead their organization for sustainable excellence in the Digital Age

  • Key Thinking Traits Critical to Achieving Sustainable Innovation, Agility, Humanity and Customer-Centricity
  • Driving Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Service Automation
  • Driving Innovations in Salvation Army Peacehaven (Leveraging Automated Guided Vehicles in Nursing Homes) 

Tea Break & Networking (10.30am-10.45am)

Theme 2: Enhancing Experience through Service Innovations (10.45am-12.30pm)

Key speakers and panelist will share their perspectives in adopting innovative approaches, transforming people and leveraging advanced technologies to deliver exceptional service innovations in the face of rapid technological development, rising global competition and rapidly ageing population.

  • Using Design to work towards a healthier tomorrow – designerly?
  • The Use of Technology to Enhance the Well-Being of Persons Living with Dementia
  • Bringing Life to Death  
  • Dual Transformation of SCDF

Closing Remarks (12.30pm-1pm)

Smart Ward Exhibition, Booth Displays & Networking Lunch (1pm-2.30pm) at Level 10 Block B

Concurrent Masterclasses (2.30pm-5pm):

  • Agile Problem Solving for Rapid Improvement (by Mr John Sarkis Hamalian) at Training Room 2, Block B, Level 2 
  • Communicating Innovation – How it can Make or Break your Bright Idea (by Ms Ai Ling Sim-Devadas) at Meeting Room, Block A, Level 1
  • Implementing Easy to Use Tech Tools to Enhance Learning in Healthcare (by Ms Jessica Dang) at Meeting Room 2, Block C, Level 1
  • Creativity & Innovation – Everybody is a Genius (by Ms Lim Hong Li) at Multi-Purpose Hall, Block B, Level 2


Speakers, Moderators and Panelist:

  • Ms Heidi Rafman, Chief Quality & Productivity Division, Agency for Integrated Care  
  • Mr John Sarkis Hamalian, Director & Southeast Asia Representative, LEAN Global Network
  • Dr Donny Soh, Assistant Professor, Singapore Institute of Technology
  • Dr Ow Chee Chung, CEO, Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital
  • Mdm Low Mui Lang, Executive Director, Salvation Army Peacehaven
  • Mr Low Yee Chang, Business Improvement Consultant & IAL Certified Workplace Learning Specialist
  • Dr Agnes Xue, Programme Director (Design), Singapore Institute of Technology
  • Mr Jason Foo, CEO, Alzheimer’s Disease Association
  • LTC Zhou Yansheng, SAD Plans & Policy, Transformation & Future Technology Department, Singapore Civil Defense Force
  • Mr Darren Cheng, CEO, Direct Funeral Services
  • Mr FT Liu, Strategy Consultant & IAL Specialist Adult Educator
  • Ms Ai Ling Sim-Devadas, Director Health Communication Matters
  • Ms Jessica Dang, IAL Certified Workplace Learning Specialist
  • Ms Lim Hong Li, Lead Facilitator & Trainer, Facilitators Network Singapore


Session Details

Key Thinking Traits Critical to Achieving Sustainable Innovation, Agility, Humanity and Customer-Centricity

The Digital Age is characterised by a strong need to move faster, focus intensely on customer experience and design highly innovative products, services and processes. Yet much of the business world still operates on fundamental patterns of thinking that are largely a byproduct of the Industrial Age. This ‘Industrial Age Thinking’ is an inhibitor to the efforts to enhance speed, human-centricity and innovation. To be successful in the New Age we need to adopt New Thinking: Essential Thinking for the Digital Age. Essential Thinking consists of the most foundational thought elements from the best management concepts known to mankind – the ‘critical few’ aspects of advanced, progressive thinking that anyone can adapt to all kinds of diverse and dynamic situations. Once these core thinking modes are embraced at a deep enough level, they can be applied to achieve Digital Age success: sustainable and future-ready excellence through Innovation, Agility, Humanity and Customer-Centricity.


Driving Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Service Automation

In 2017 Gartner had predicted that by 2020, 85% of all customer interactions will be handled without a human agent. It’s late 2019 and it’s safe to say that we still prefer the human touch. In fact a survey by Forbes in 2018 showed that the bulk of their respondents still preferred interacting with human beings and rather than interacting with an A.I. chatbot, would even resort to social media as an outlet. How then do we balance this need for automation in this competitive landscape and yet not compromise on service quality? We will be sharing some case studies, experiences as well as some possible pitfalls while rolling out such service automation initiatives.


Using Design to work towards a healthier tomorrow – designerly?

To be leaders in the health sciences, we must be the change we wish to see in the world and lead by example. We must be trail blazers and pioneers in health sciences research and in clinical practice – saving lives, improving lives, and making our health care system more effective, more responsive, and more successful. However, in healthcare, it will no longer be enough to create the world’s best equipment. To accomplish this, we need to recognize that research, practice, and innovation do not exist in isolation from the world around us – they are shaped by the same forces that operate at all levels of society, including socioeconomic factors and the community. In this context, how might we use design to work towards a healthier tomorrow?


Dual Transformation of SCDF

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) has adopted new technologies to deal with a growing number of safety challenges facing the nation, whether it be a rapidly ageing population or the ever-present threat of terrorism. As Singapore greys, SCDF foresees that the number of emergency medical service calls will increase, putting a heavy strain on its resources. The rise of taller and higher-density buildings and development of subterranean structures will also pose a new set of risks that needs to be contained. Against this backdrop, SCDF will share how it transform to keep pace with these societal and landscape changes in delivering a consistent level of service excellence with its transformation framework.

In a dual transformation framework there are two opposing innovation ends.
– Core transformation A or optimisation of traditional business models is about leveraging technology, digitalisation, automation and so on to optimise or fundamentally improve established processes
– Edge transformation B or looking at new exponential growth areas is about re-defining the boundaries established processes to create new value
This presentation would share on SCDF’s on-going experience on transformation from both ends.
– Transformation A: Service transformation to a tiered Emergency Response Model
– Transformation B: Crowdsourcing and partnering the community in the lifesaving mission

The presentation aims to shed light that focusing on the people aspect of change is a critical part of the transformation process.


Agile Problem Solving for Rapid Improvement

Do you find the notion of ‘Problem Solving’ daunting? Have you been to too many problem solving sessions that are overly rigorous, exhausting and unhelpful? Now you can learn how to make Problem Solving practical, fun and fruitful. Problem Solving is one of the most critical skills of the Digital 21st Century. It is the key enabler to achieving Transformation and Innovation. Learn the agile way to solve problems and achieve rapid, sustainable results.


Communicating Innovation – How it can Make or Break your Bright Idea

After many months, you have completed your innovation project and you are ready for launch. Yet after the hard work, you are not getting the desired attention and interest from the public, patients, caregivers and the media. What can you do to surmount these challenges? How can you effectively communicate the benefits of your project to your audience? Learn how you can take your project to the next level using the audience-focused communication technique and tips on developing an angle that will resonate with the media. This Masterclass is delivered by Ms Ai Ling Sim-Devadas, a veteran healthcare communications consultant and trainer from Health Communication Matters. She helps healthcare and community care organisations define and build their healthcare communications strategy and capability.


Implementing Easy to Use Tech Tools to Enhance Learning in Healthcare

The healthcare industry is unlike any other. Balancing severe time pressure, staffing constraints and the desire to deliver the best possible life saving & life enhancing care to patients & residents is a constant challenge. Fitting in the equally crucial need for ongoing learning in the face of these challenges can be a daunting task. Fortunately, there are easily accessible learning solutions that can be quickly employed. One effective solution is the use of excellent free or low cost technology for learning, re-learning and self-review sessions. In this informative an interactive session, we’ll introduce you to tech tools you can use quickly to deliver impactful learning to staff. No prior tech experience is required. These tools have been tried and tested in the healthcare industry by the presenter of this masterclass. They allow learners to access modules anytime, anywhere and on any device.


Creativity & Innovation – Everybody is a genius

Life is a journey. The only challenge is that it does not come with map. You search your own routes. Creativity & innovation is a journey too. A creative/innovative mind and map can guide you in your life and work. Come join in the interactive session to experience how creativity/innovation can shape your life and work positively and meaningfully.


Speakers’ Profiles

Mr John Sarkis Hamalian, Director & Southeast Asia Representative, LEAN Global Network

John S. Hamalian is a strategic thinking, balanced and influential Change Leader with a Continuous Innovation spirit and a strong passion to help organisations change, transform and grow. He is currently thinking about ‘Digital-Age Management’, or how to transition from the still-prevalent ‘Industrial-Age’ Management thinking to the new Management and Leadership approaches that we need in the Digital-Age. John has over 20 years of experience at General Motors and Dell, specialising in Strategy, Lean Management, Process Improvement, Organisational Development, Customer Experience and Leading Change. With assignments based in the USA, China, Germany, Korea, India and Singapore, John thrives in global and culturally-diverse environments. John is now the owner of Sustainable Organisational Excellence and the Southeast Asia Representative for the Lean Global Network, providing consulting, facilitation and training to help clients across Asia improve their performance and increase value. He holds an MBA from Fordham University in New York and a Bachelor Degree in Engineering from Kettering University in Michigan.


Dr Donny Soh, Assistant Professor, Singapore Institute of Technology

Dr Soh is an Assistant Professor at SIT where he teaches machine learning and software engineering. His broad experience spans across two decades, from his illustrious stint at I2R where he was the PI of several key industrial projects to his own Artificial Intelligence consulting firm where he launched several A.I. products into market. His products have gone on to win numerous international awards. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Imperial College London and Masters from Singapore MIT Alliance.


Mdm Low Mui Lang, Executive Director, The Salvation Army Peacehaven Nursing Home

Mdm Low Mui Lang is the Executive Director of The Salvation Army Peacehaven Nursing Home, she joined the home since May 2001. She piloted several projects at Peacehaven to help with the re-modelling of residential care in Singapore. Pilot projects included:-
1. Dementia specific facility; a transitional convalescence facility; InGot, an IT system with a full clinical suite built on cloud computing; Welmed, a research programme using exercise machines for rehabilitation.
2. Device to improve productivity and increase job opportunity for local Singaporeans
3. Integrated Home and Day Centre programme combining social and health support in enabling the older person to age in the community.

The dementia specific facility won the Ministry of Health’s ExCEL Award 2010 Best Innovative Project 2nd Prize and the 2014 Ageing Asia Investment Forum’s 2nd Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Award for Best Dementia Care Programme. The rehabilitation programme won the 2015 Ageing Asia Innovation Forum’s 3rd Eldercare Innovation Award for Best Rehabilitation Operator. She also won the 2018, Ageing Asia Influencer Award. Mdm Low holds a Master in Health Care Management and is a Rehabilitation Nursing Clinician. She is on healthcare committees workgroups and engaged as speaker in conferences. She was invited to speak in Hongkong Hospital Authority Conference in May 2017. She was also awarded The President’s Nurses Award in 2010 for the highest accolade for a nurse. She was instrumental in the partnership with The Salvation Army Palu Academy, Indonesia whereby Indonesian nurses are hired to form part of the pool of care staff in Peacehaven and in 4 other Nursing Home. She also started a micro-credit system by implementing a 6-months Caregiver course for girls from low income family. The girls are trained and given an opportunity to work in healthcare setting in Singapore. As such it alleviated the girls from poverty. She conducted a job redesign in direct care resulting in the recruitment of Senior Care Associates to close the language barrier between foreign talent and the residents / clients. She is also the Lead Consultant Advisor to Woodland Integrated Campus and AIC Consultant for residential Dementia Care.


Mr Low Yee Chang, Performance Improvement Consultant & Certified Workplace Learning Specialist, Institute for Adult Learning

Yee-Chang is a highly respected Performance Improvement Consultant specializes in Workplace Learning Solutions, Agile Enterprise, Change Management and Program Management. Based in Singapore, Yee-Chang is an international traveler, providing training and consulting in major cities of key economics such as Beijing, Shanghai, Delhi, Sydney, Melbourne, Vietnam, Tokyo, Taipei and Hong-Kong. Yee-Chang has worked with mostly global companies such as Citibank, Nestle, Danone, Philips Medical, Abbot Medical, Microsoft, Kone Elevator, Alstom, Huawei, Nokia Network, AXA Insurance including GIC Singapore. The industries he works with varies from Government, Finance & Banking, Engineering, Transportation, Tele-Communication to Service sectors. Yee Chang has the unique agility to step into a new organization/industry and become knowledgeable with the business, processes and systems in a short time frame. His facilitation of capability building session blends an energetic style with solid experience to engage and “synthetically” transfer skills to his audience. Clients are thrilled with the practical real-life examples and high level of energy Yee-Chang brings to his workshops. He has an MBA from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and is certified in PMP, Agile Scrum Master, Agile Product Owner, Lean Six Sigma Master Black-belt and MBTI Personality Profiling. Yee-Chang is also a Practicing Management Consultant (PMC) awarded by a Singapore Government Agency to help Singapore companies embark on their productivity campaigns and leadership development programs. Prior to embarking on his corporate training and consulting career, Yee-Chang held corporate positions such as general manager, quality manager, and global program manager in business consulting practice, supply chain, and technology marketing for Tier-1 companies such as Motorola, CGI, Sun Microsystems (now known as Oracle).


Dr Ow Chee Chung, Chief Executive Officer, Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital

Appointed as Chief Executive Officer in October 2012, Dr Ow takes on a great responsibility in leading the team in its mission to provide health care services to the needy in Singapore. Prior to his appointment, he has held senior management positions in public hospitals, statutory boards and a voluntary welfare organisation. Dr Ow brings with him an extensive clinical and administrative experience from both the healthcare as well as the community and social services industry. Dr Ow graduated with a Medical Degree from the National University of Singapore.


Dr Agnes Xue Lishan, Programme Director (Design), Singapore Institute of Technology

A Red-Dot and A’Prime Design award-winner and the first Industrial Designer in Singapore to be awarded the Doctoral of Philosophy (PhD) qualification from the National University of Singapore (NUS), Dr Agnes Xue received the NUS President’s Graduate Fellowship and was a NUS Research Scholar, investigating on better approaches in the design of self-care devices and applications for women’s health. She is currently an Associate Professor and Co-Chair of the Design and Specialised Businesses Cluster Applied Research Committee at the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT). Her research interest has always been exploring better designs for healthcare that will have user-centric impact in this digital age. Her professional and teaching experience include work at Siemens Medical Instruments, the Design Singapore Council and NUS. She was previously the Curriculum Head at Singapore Stanford Biodesign programme A*STAR-EDB and has trained over 400 budding medical device entrepreneurs. As Principal Investigator, she was working with grants totalling over SGD2 million. As a research-oriented design educator, Agnes is a frequent speaker at local and international conferences. During her time outside of the university, she has invested and started a 3D visualisation design consultancy and an interior design company. In her personal capacity, she volunteers in the Council of Lupus Association Singapore for over a decade.


Mr Jason Foo, Chief Executive Officer, Alzheimer’s Disease Association

Jason Foo is the Chief Executive Officer of Alzheimer’s Disease Association (“ADA”) in Singapore, a non-profit organisation set up in 1990 as a result of the growing concern for the dementia prevalence affecting Singapore. ADA provides a whole host of services to tackle the challenges of dementia and to support the people with dementia and their families. Jason had served on the Board of ADA as a volunteer for 22 years before taking on the role of Chief Executive Officer in 2012. He is a Chartered Accountant by training with about 25 years experience in senior positions in the banking and financial industry before making the career switch to the non-profit sector.


Ms Heidi Rafman, Chief Quality & Productivity Division, Agency for Integrated Care

Ms Rafman currently leads the quality, innovation and productivity initiatives in the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC). The AIC Quality & Productivity Division drives AIC’s efforts to improve and uphold the quality of care and standards, and promote a culture of continuous quality improvement and productivity, in the Community Care sector. The Division works with Community Care partners such as nursing homes, community hospitals, and senior care centers on various initiatives including quality and process improvement, measurement and benchmarking, and emergency preparedness. It also administers the Healthcare Productivity Fund for the Community Care sector, which supports partners’ efforts to improve productivity through technology adoption and group procurement. Before joining AIC, Ms Heidi Rafman was the Director of Quality Improvement and Patient Experience at National University Hospital (NUH). At NUH Ms Rafman was responsible for designing and improving the end-to-end patient experience and for facilitating quality improvement projects. She also spearheaded innovation and productivity improvement at NUH. Ms Rafman has over 17 years of healthcare experience, including extensive experience in lean management and quality improvement methodologies. Ms Rafman’s areas of expertise include patient experience, organizational change management, operations research and systems thinking, and productivity improvement. She has facilitated many award winning improvement projects and published in international journals. Her contributions were recognized by the NUHS-Mochtar Riady Pinnacle Young Achiever Award in 2015 and the Public Administration Medal (Bronze) in 2019. Prior to AIC and NUH, Ms Rafman worked for the National Healthcare Group in Singapore and for Deloitte Consulting in Canada, the United States, Britain and Germany. Ms Rafman has a Masters of Business Administration from INSEAD, Singapore, and an Honours Bachelor of Mathematics from the University Of Waterloo, Canada. She is also certified by Cardiff University, UK, to a Gold level of lean management competency.


LTC Zhou Yansheng, SAD Plans & Policy Transformation and Future Technology Department, Singapore Civil Defence Force

LTC Zhou Yansheng has served various appointments in his 11 years in SCDF. The first 7 years of duties have been served at the frontline working up to Commander of Tuas Fire Station. Being in the frontlines saving lives and property has helped him appreciate that emergency response goes beyond the action of firefighting and rescue. Helping people in need starts before an emergency in prevention and resilience building, and post emergency work involves care to help victims return to normalcy. He was also the project lead in the development of SCDF’s myResponder mobile app that crowdsources community responders for lifesaving. He experienced first-hand, the spirit of Agile Development and is a believer of the process. In more recent years, he has been working on Innovation and Transformation portfolios and championing SCDF’s transformation efforts. He is an optimist and excited about the rapid advances in technology and the burst of ideas in this digital age. The opportunities to build a caring and resilient society are plentiful, towards realising SCDF’s vision of a Nation of Lifesavers. As a realist, he believes that the easier aspect of Using Technology for Good is the technology part while the more challenging part is building empathy in public and private partners, designing for user needs and changing stakeholders mindset for adoption.


Mr Darren Cheng, Chief Executive Officer, Direct Funeral Services

Darren is the CEO of Direct Funeral Services. He holds a masters in counselling as well as a degree in psychology. Before entering the funeral business, he was a counsellor, dealing with depression, grief and many different emotional issues. His experience is brought over to the funeral trade; all of his staff are trained in empathy, his customer service touch points focus on the customers’ emotions, he has even written 2 children books on the topic of grief. He believes that grief will fade in time, but cherished moments will last forever.


Mr FT Liu, Specialist Adult Educator, Institute for Adult Learning

F T Liu is a Strategy Consultant with DPI Singapore. He has more than 30 years of handson strategy experience with US and European MNCs as well as SMEs and his own startup. He spent the first 6 years in the factory mastering engineering, quality and manufacturing strategies. These are documented in his book “The Fairchild Singapore Plant (1969 to 1987)”. He then spent the next 7 years with DuPont mastering sales and product marketing strategies, first as a Technical Sales Representative and then as Director of Product Marketing for Asia Pacific. He was based in Taiwan for 2 years mastering regional marketing strategies as the Greater China Regional Marketing Director for Temic Semiconductors, the electronics division of Daimler-Benz. F T put his business strategy to the test when he started a dot com in 2000 helping MNCs move their products, services and technology to their customers over the Internet. That venture ended 3 years later as a result of the dot com bust. He then spent the next 9 years in Supply Chain Management working for various MNCs and SMEs developing strategies to help their clients take costs out of their supply chains. F T is a Singapore Certified Management Consultant and an author of four books on business and engineering.


Ms Ai Ling Sim-Devadas, Director, Health Communication Matters

Ai Ling is a Healthcare Communications professional and Adult Educator with extensive experience in healthcare communications, patient experience, corporate communications, media relations, marketing communications, facilitation, event management, internal communications, health education, volunteer management and fundraising. She combines these expertise with a mature, resourceful and positive can-do attitude. She spearheaded Corporate Communications in Changi General Hospital and Eastern Health Alliance and has worked closely with the C-Suite, Doctors and healthcare professionals. Having focused her career in healthcare communications, and worked on communication strategies and messaging for numerous projects, she has a strong interest and an intimate knowledge of healthcare: including the health care eco-system, challenges and trends. She now brings this expertise to her clients in Health Communication Matters, a healthcare communications consultancy. She is also passionate about adult education and is a certified DACE curriculum developer and ACTA trainer to provide healthcare communications training.


Ms Lim Hong Li, Lead Trainer, Facilitators Network Singapore

For the last 17 years, Hong Li served as a facilitator and trainer for at least 80 diverse organisations from different industries in the public, private and people sectors. She has facilitated regionally and internationally for 12 countries and Specialises in process facilitation, experiential learning, creativity/innovation, leadership, teambuilding, personal effectiveness and train-the-trainer sessions. She is a member of the International Association of Facilitation (IAF) Certified Professional Facilitator (CPF) and has extensive experience in training in Facilitation Skills, Ask Stupid Questions, Aspiration Pathfinder, Multiple Intelligence, Design Thinking, Graphics Design and Rapid learning/storytelling workshops. She also conducts retreat programmes, visioning, strategic and work planning, focus group solutioning, assertiveness and influencing, communications, service learning, project management and process mapping workshops.


Ms Jessica Dang, IAL Certified Workplace Learning Specialist

Jessica Dang has developed and delivered multiple bestselling workshops and learning events. She was instrumental in building the largest ‘hands-on’ education company in Asia. Additionally, she has conceptualized and built leading education businesses, learning tools & software for clients. An innovative educator, Jessica has also developed and managed large scale, multi-location learning events and outreach programs for leading international organizations. She brings her super fun, trademark chaos & mayhem learning technique to all her programs. Jessica is a practicing workplace learning specialist, executive & team coach and business strategist. She helps organizations build their learning systems, structures and content. She also works with senior executives and teams to achieve their personal & career goals, and helps companies design business & marketing programs. Jessica wrote popular columns in the leading local newspaper, a popular parenting magazine and a highly respected HR journal. Over 350 000 children, young adults, parents, educators, executives, healthcare professionals and other adults have attended Jessica’s programs. She is actively involved in community service projects and welcomes the opportunity to contribute her time and skills for worthy causes.


What delegates said about the Symposium…..

• Great job! Very interesting topics being discussed.
• The topics were very relevant today. Hope to have more or similar topics as today’s.
• Well done and all speakers are well selected. Thank you.
• A very good seminar.
• It was an interesting and insightful session.
• The technology exhibition is very informative.
• The workshop was very useful to me.
• Thank you for organizing the symposium!
• Very interesting masterclass!!
• Very fun and interactive way to engage learners for a topic on innovation and creativity. Very appropriate use of facilitative approach to engage the learners.
• Thank you for the interesting and fun session. Hope to learn about Toyota Kata techniques.
• Excellent trainer! Learning a lot from it.
• Thank you for organizing last Friday event and such learning session has greatly benefitted me about the innovation transformation in various sectors.
• Thank you for the opportunity to attend the event. It was an eye opener for me as this is the first symposium on community care I have attended.
• Thank you for inviting me to the symposium last week. It was amazing.
• It was a very meaningful and insightful event where we get to learn a lot from different partners about innovation and transformation in the community. We appreciated the whole KWSH team for making this event a success and we look forward to our continuous partnership.