Basic Case Management Workshop
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Course Overview
- Introduce the rationale, benefits, objectives, principles and practice of case management
- Equip case managers with the knowledge and skills in management of clients with complex care needs
- Develop integrated skills connecting relevant theory into clinical practice
- Enable the network and sharing of knowledge and ideas on case and outcome management
- Acquire knowledge and skills needed to engage the client and caregiver in case management
- Describe the recent trends and changes in healthcare delivery and financing, and their implications for case managers in community and acute care settings
- Define and discuss the fundamentals concepts and process of case management
- Describe principles & concepts of chronic disease and population health management
- Outline the principles and processes of discharge planning in the hospital
- Understand concepts of Health Promotion and Prevention; and Motivational Interviewing
Course Outline:
Fundamentals of Case Management:
- Concepts, models, process of case management
- Case management in the community settings
- Discharge planning and transitional care
- Medication reconciliation
- Home assessment and safety
- Principles, concepts and tools of chronic disease and population health management
Care Delivery Systems:
- Overview of healthcare system and financing models in Singapore
- Health promotion and prevention
- Managing clients with medical, social and behavioural health issues
- Crisis management
- Advance Care Planning
Professional Standards:
- Standards of practice & core competencies for case management
- Ethical Issues in case management
Client Support Systems and Services:
- Navigating care resources in the community
- 3Ms and Means Testing
- Facilitating a family conference
- Coping with case manager’s burn-out
Case Management Skills:
- Introduction to Motivational Interviewing
- Practical case studies
The workshop is highly interactive and enables participants to understand essential elements of case management through lectures, discussions and group work on practical case studies.
Please Note:
A minimum of 75% attendance will be required for you to complete the programme and receive your certificate.
The course will be conducted via Face-to-Face.
Target Participants
Healthcare practitioners, administrators, managers and care providers
Course Details
Course Fees: $764.91 (excluding GST)
Prevailing course fee subsidy at 90% for Singaporeans/ PRs and 45% for foreign staff working in eligible community care organizations.
Please register for the course via AIC Learning Management System (LMS 2.0).
Go to the following URL: https://lms.wizlearn.com/AIC
Contact us:
(65) 6422-1300