WSQ Respond to Fire Emergency in Buildings (Basic)
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Course Overview
1. Legislation & regulations of fire safety and protection
2. Overview of Company Emergency Response Team (CERT)
3. Types of premises are affected and will be required to form CERT
4. Causes of fire and potential fire hazard scenarios and Injury
5. Different type of fire safety and protection systems
6. Categories and purpose of Breathing Apparatus
7. Components of Breathing Apparatus and usage of Breathing Apparatus
8. Factors influencing consumption rate of Breathing Apparatus
9. Breathing Apparatus components guidelines and entrapment procedures
10. High rise fighting problems and fire fighting operations
11. Fire safety common first aid equipment and Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
12. Rescue and evacuation techniques
13. Fire fighting equipment
14. Protocols of handing over incidents
SSF Tagging
SSF: Response to Emergency and Accidents
Domain: Admin & Ops
Level: Basic II
Please Note:
A minimum of 75% attendance will be required for you to complete the programme and receive your certificate.
For Singapore Citizen / Permanent Resident , only SSG funding is available and ranges from 50% – 80% depending on the participant age; designation & whether the company is SME or otherwise.
For Work Pass Holders, 45% funding from AIC is available for foreign staff working in eligible community care organisations.
Target Participants
CERT, Fire Safety Officers and staff who are the first to respond to fire emergencies in the Buildings.
20 CPD Points awarded – 8 SDU Points awarded. A Statement of Attainment (SOA) will be awarded to successful participants.
Course Details
Course Fees: $546.36 (excluding GST)
Prevailing course fee subsidy at 90% for Singaporeans/ PRs and 45% for foreign staff working in eligible community care organisations.
Please register for the course via AIC Learning Management System (LMS 2.0).
Contact us:
(65) 6422-1300