Plan and Conduct Activities for Clients in the Nursing Home (Basic)

Plan and Conduct Activities for Clients in the Nursing Home (Basic)


Course Overview

This programme aims to equip participants with the clinical knowledge and skills essential for identifying the common medical conditions within a nursing home setting and their impact on rehabilitation out-comes for residents. This set of skills enables participants to develop age-appropriate activities to optimize their ADLs and social function.

Course Outline:

  • Common conditions in a nursing home setting and their implications to rehabilitation
  • Maximizing ADL functions for elderly in a nursing home setting
  • Conducting therapeutic groups in a nursing home setting

Please Note:

A minimum of 75% attendance will be required for you to complete the programme and receive your certificate.

Target Participants

Support Care Staff

Course Details

Date/ Time

5th March 2024

10th July 2024

Time: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM


Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital
705 Serangoon Road
Singapore 328127

Course Trainers

This course is delivered by trainers from Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital.

Mr Audi Fehdurani

Senior Physiotherapy Educator, Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital

Mr Audi is a Senior Physiotherapy Educator in KWSH with over 12 years of experience in clinical healthcare settings. He holds a Master of Science in Rehabilitation (Neurological), and his experience in teaching includes bedside, classroom, and online settings. His clinical interests include falls, gait rehabilitation, neural bases of recovery, exercise prescription for the neurological population, and science of learning.

Ms Adeline Lee

Senior Occupational Therapy Educator, Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital

Ms Adeline Lee is a Senior OT educator in KWSH with over 23 years of experience in healthcare. She earned a Master’s in health administration from Flinders University and a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Occupational Therapy from University of Exeter. Her area of specialisation includes community geriatrics and service development. Prior to joining KWSH, Ms Adeline has worked in health and community care services and developing eldercare policy with MOH and AIC.

Course Fees: $262.25 (excluding GST)

Prevailing course fee subsidy at 90% for Singaporeans/ PRs and 45% for foreign staff working in eligible community care organisations.

Please register for the course via AIC Learning Management System (LMS 2.0).

Contact us:

(65) 6422-1300